
Scotty3D extensions for inverse kinematics, cloth simulation, and fluid simulation.

While taking CMU 15-464 (technical animation) during the spring semester of 2021, I used the course projects to add various animation features to Scotty3D.

Inverse Kinematics

I implemented and compared a variety of inverse kinematics strategies:

  • Cyclic coordinate descent with bouncing
  • Numerical jacobian transpose
  • Analytic jacobian transpose
  • Jacobian pseudo-inverse
  • Jacobian pseudo-inverse with damped least squares

Mass-Spring Cloth Simulation

I implemented the following cloth simulation features:

  • Mass-spring cloth structure
  • Verlet integration with damping
  • Spring damping
  • Spring length constraints
  • Cloth-mesh collisions
  • Naive cloth self avoidance

Position Based Fluid Simulation & Screen Space Fluid Rendering

I implemented the following particle-based fluid simulation features:

Paper Presentation

Additionally, I gave a presentation on the paper Detailed Rigid Body Simulation with Extended Position Based Dynamics.

Written on June 24, 2021